Dharamshala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama has arrived in Hobart as part of Australia visit.
His Holiness has visited the University of Tasmania’s school of philosophy to deliver a talk advocating individual and universal responsibility in caring for the planet.
His Holiness was invited to the university to celebrate the 10-year-old exchange program between the school of philosophy and the Central University of Tibetan Studies in India.
Professor Jeff Malpas from UTAS says the Buddhist Studies Program has been offering student exchanges for years.
“It’s really the culmination of over a decade of work that we’ve been involved in northern India and with the Tibetans so for us it’s a really important celebration,” he said.
This afternoon His Holiness the Dalai Lama delivers a public talk titled ” Our Earth, Who is Responsible?”.
He will then head to Melbourne for the final leg of his Australian trip.
Head of school Lucy Tatman welcomed His Holiness the Dalai Lama saying the exchange program was a wonderful success and “great joy”.
Dr Tatman thanked the exiled Buddhist for suggesting the exchange program a decade ago.
Initially speaking through an interpreter, His Holiness the Dalai Lama said it was an honour to take part in the gathering.
His Holiness then spoke of the need for individual human beings to help develop a sense of community with the rest of the world.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama an inspiration
Minister Assisting the Tasmania’s Premier on Climate Change Lisa Singh said today she was looking forward to the visit by His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Hobart tomorrow.
“I am excited at the prospect of hearing from him first hand his views on climate change and the challenges that it poses for mankind.
“His Holiness’ teachings have always inspired me with hope for a better world and his approach to climate change is particularly relevant.
“I have learnt from him too the idea that peace is within us as well as the virtues of happiness, compassion and wellbeing.
“His spirituality guides me in everyday life. It also reminds me that peace and freedom are virtues not shared by all and as a politician I have a role to play to help ensure that they are.
“I have a scroll in my office that tells me: ‘Never give up. No matter what is going on around you, never give up’.
“They are the words of His Holiness and I never forget them in times of difficulty.”
–Compiled from ABC News and Tasmania Mercury Reports