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Australia Expresses Concerns Over ‘Freedom in Tibet’ in a Statement at High-Level Segment of UN Human Rights Council

Australia’s Assistant Foreign Minister Tim Watts.

Dharamshala: In a statement delivered by Assistant Foreign Minister Tim Watts at the High-Level Segment of the UN Human Rights Council on 1 March, he expressed concerns regarding the erosion of the educational, religious, cultural and linguistic rights and freedom in Tibet. In a similar vein, he expressed grave concerns over the human rights violation perpetrated by the Taliban in Afghanistan and North Korea.

“Australia recognises that no country has a perfect human rights record and no country is above fair scrutiny of its human rights obligations. Where we fall short, we strive to do better accepting the message, not attacking the messenger”, said Assistant Foreign Minister Tim Watts in his statement.

He further called on the UN Special Procedure Mandate Holders including all states to visit Australia, stating the common goal of building a peaceful, stable and prosperous world where every person is allowed to enjoy their human rights.