Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.

Tibet Information Office in Canberra Attends Commemoration of 34th Anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre

Dawa Sangmo,Tibet Information Office’s Chinese liaison officer speaking at the event

Canberra: The Australian and New Zealand Alliance for Victims of the Chinese Communist Regime organised a rally in front of the Sydney City Town Hall on 4 June, to commemorate the 34th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre, where around 100 people gathered at the venue to pay tribute to the 1989 victims.

Former Chinese diplomat Chen Yonglin and Tibet Information Office’s Chinese liaison officer Dawa Sangmo were among the speakers at the rally.

While addressing the gathering, the Chinese Liaison officer Dawa Sangmo reflected upon the peaceful protest that erupted in Lhasa in the same year which also led to the demises of hundreds of Tibetans. She also highlighted the CCP’s continuous repressive policy on Tibetans, including establishing mass boarding schools and illegally collecting DNA samples from Tibetans,

Prior to the rally event, Dawa Sangmo also attended a seminar titled ‘From 1989 Pro-democracy Movement to the Hong Kong Water Revolution and the Blank Paper Revolution’ organised by the Australian and New Zealand Alliance for Victims of the Chinese Communist Regime on 3 June 2023 at United Church, Ashfield, Sydney.