Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.

Tibetan Parliamentary Delegation Advocates Tibet in New Zealand

From (L to R): Mr. Chodak Gyatso, Mr. Tenzin Doring, Hon. David Parker (Labour), Hon. Paulo Garcia (National), Hon. Helen White (Labour), Ven. Khenpo Jamphel Tenzin, Hon. Ingrid Leary (Labour), Hon. Dan Bidois (National) Hon. Laura Trask (ACT), Mary-Ann Hutton (Staffer, MP Dan), Mrs Tsering Dolma and Representative Karma Singey

Dharamshala: A parliamentary delegation consisting of MPs Khenpo Jamphel Tenzin, Tsering Dolma, Choedak Gyatso, and Tenzin Phuntsok Doring, after successfully concluding their advocacy program in Australia, visited New Zealand from August 22nd to 23rd, 2024.

On August 22nd, MP Choedak Gyatso delivered a talk on ‘Tibetan Democracy in Exile’ at Rutherford House, Victoria University of Wellington. The talk was followed by a Q&A session with other Tibetan MPs. The event was hosted by the Wellington Chapter of Friends of Tibet.

Later that evening, the delegation held a briefing meeting with New Zealand MPs at the New Zealand Parliament. They discussed the evolution of Tibetan democracy, the composition of the Central Tibetan Administration and the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, and the current critical situation in Tibet. During the meeting, they engaged with Hon. David Parker (Labour), Hon. Paulo Garcia (National), Hon. Helen White (Labour), Hon. Ingrid Leary, Hon. Dan Bidois (National), Hon. Laura Trask (ACT), and Mary-Ann Hutton (staffer to MP Dan). A dinner was hosted in their honour by ASPI.

On August 23rd, the delegation attended the International Parliamentary Assembly hosted by the APSI Forum, a leading think tank in New Zealand. MP Tenzin Phuntsok Doring spoke on ‘Tibet’s Geopolitical Significance,’ and MP Tsering Dolma gave the closing remarks. The event was attended by Hon. Tim van de Molen, Dr. Anita Abbott, Hon. Rinesh Sharma from Fiji, Ambassador Joanne Ou from the Taiwanese Embassy in Wellington, Senator Pauline Hanson, and Hon. Ingrid Leary, among others.

In the evening, they met with Ambassador Joanne Ou from the Taiwanese Embassy in Wellington and discussed issues of shared interest.

The delegation was accompanied by Representative Karma Singey of the Tibet Information Office.

-Report filed by Tibetan Parliamentary Secretariat