To commemorate 50 years since His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s political and spiritual leader fled into exile in India and the Tibetan National Uprising against the Communist Chinese invasion and occupation of Tibet, The Roof of the World Foundation, a Tibet Support Group based in Jakarta in cooperation with Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara, Indonesia’s premier news agency’s gallery, is organizing a Tibet photographic Exhibition called Heaven in Exile from 6th to 21st of March 2009. The photographs were taken by Mr. Enrico Soekarno, Mr. Jay Subyakto, Mr. Krish Suharnoko and Mr. Yori Antar during their visits to Tibet, Dharamsala, Ladakh and Nepal.
During the exhibition eight Tibetan documentary films will be shown as part of the Tibet Film Festival. Films will include Leaveing Fear Behind by Dhondup Wangchen & Gyaljong Tsetrin, Shadow Circus, A Stranger in My Native Land, Dreaming Lhasa, The Reincarnation of Khensur Rinpoche by Ritu Sarin & Tenzing Sonam, as well as classics such as Wheel Of Time by Werner Herzog and the award winning documentary Cry of the Snow Lion by Tom Piozet.