Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.

Articles by dadon

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Kashag to launch Solidarity with Tibet Campaign

December 3, 2012 5:26 pm Press Release 3 December 2012 With the wave of self-immolation continuing in Tibet with over 91 Tibetans having set themselves on fire to date (78 in 2012, including 28 in November alone) and the Chinese…

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One more Tibetan Self-Immolates at Amchok in Labrang

DHARAMSHALA: Tsering Dhondup, 34, set himself on fire, protesting against the Chinese government’s failed policies in Tibet around 8:30 am (local time) today (20 Nov) at Amchok, Labrang in north-eastern Tibet’s Amdo region. He burned himself in front of a…

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Concluding Statement of Special Int’l Tibet Support Groups Meeting

                                                                                                                     Special International Meeting of Tibet Support Groups Dharamsala, India November 16-18, 2012 CONCLUDING STATEMENT In response to the escalating crisis in Tibet, the Special International Meeting of Tibet Support Groups was held in Dharamsala, India from 16-18 November 2012….