Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.

Articles by Lhakpa Tsering

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Representative Karma Singey Attends 112th National Day Celebration of Taiwan in Canberra

Representative-Karma-Singey-with-Ambassador-Douglas-Yu-Tien-Hsu-and-Mrs.-Claudia-Li-Yun-Tun Canberra: Representative Karma Singey of the Tibet Information Office in Canberra attended the 112th National Day reception of Taiwan at the old Australian Parliament on 5 October 2023. The event was attended by numerous dignitaries including Australian MPs, politicians, diplomats, prominent people and the local Taiwanese community in Canberra….

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Tibet Information Office in Canberra Joins Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival

Representative Karma Singey virtually joined the celebration of the Chinese Mid Autumn Festival. Canberra: The Chinese Liaison Officer of the Tibet Information Office, Canberra Dawa Sangmo joined the celebration of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival jointly organised by the Melbourne-based Chinese Tibetan Civil Exchange Promotion Association,…