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His Holiness the Dalai Lama congratulates Justin Trudeau on his re-election as the Prime Minister of Canada

Dharamshala: Following the Liberal Party’s victory in Canada’s national elections, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has sent a letter of congratulation to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“May I take this opportunity too to express my appreciation of Canada’s policy of compassionate action in taking in vulnerable refugees who have fled horrific and unthinkable conflicts in several parts of the world. As an honorary Canadian citizen myself, I feel proud of this generous, humanitarian gesture,” said His Holiness.

“During my visits to Canada over the years, I have been deeply touched by the warmth of the friendship and affection that Canadians have shown me.”

“I would also like to express gratitude to the government and people Canada for their generosity in resettling Tibetan refugees since the early 1970s. I am pleased to see that, by and large, they are making a positive contribution to Canada’s richly multicultural society.”

His Holiness ended his letter wishing PM Trudeau every success in meeting whatever challenges lie ahead in meeting the aspirations of the people of Canada.