Mundgod: His Holiness the Dalai Lama inaugurated and consecrated the newly built Drepung Loseling meditation and science center this morning at Doeguling Tibetan settlement, Mundgod.
Around 500 people including students, guests and staff of the new centre were present at the inauguration ceremony. Gaden Tripa, Gaden Trisur, Khenpos, Settlement Officer and Chief Representatives were also present at the function.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama congratulated the members on the opening of new meditation center at Mundgod and thanked Emory University for supporting the establishment.
His Holiness reminded monks and staff to think about the wellbeing of the entire 7 billion human beings and cultivate the sense of oneness of all human beings.
“We need to think and care about human made problem as we are part of that 7 billion human being.”In early part of 20th century there are lot of bloodshed and competition among countries to built warhead like nuclear. Gradually they start to realise the destruction of human kind with such bloodshed. So they started to talk about peace in late part of the century.”
He recalled a conversation he had with his German friend, who told him that in the ’90s, Germany and France were two rival countries. ‘They have fought for more than century with deep animosity. Later after realising the futility of war, they overcame their differences and built friendship that formed European Union.’

His Holiness the Dalai Lama presides over the inaugural ceremony of Drepung Loseling Meditation and Science Centre. Photo/Tenzin Phende/DIIR
His Holiness further emphasised that “Many people talk about world peace but none of them talk about how to achieve it. Physical hygiene basically is hugely dependent on mental hygiene.”
“Thanks to the great king of Tibet who invited great scholars and thinkers from Nalanda to Tibet and introduced Tibetan Buddhism. Only in Tibetan tradition is the rich philosophy of great thinker extensively preserved.”
“I always say that Buddha is a great philosopher and thinker. He never told us to follow his teachings blindly, rather asked us to thoroughly investigate. Now a days many scientist shows interest in Tibetan Buddhism. We must do like 21st century Buddhist,” His Holiness underlined the importance of having a scientific approach in the study of Tibetan Buddhism.
His Holiness appealed monks to be 21st century Buddhist and find their devotion in Tibetan Buddhism through sound reason.
His Holiness later visited the exhibition organised by the Meditation and Science Centre.
Geshe Yeshi Kelsang gave welcome speech. Science teacher Ven Thupten Tsering gave a brief introduction on meditation and science center.
Drepung Loseling Khenpo appraised on aims and objectives of center to His Holiness.
Geshe Yonten Phuntsok , Changzoe Tripa gave thank you speech and Drepung Loseling contribution towards the center.
Tenzin Passang Co-Director of Drepung Loseling meditation and science centre confirmed that currently, they have 11 staff both teaching and non-teaching and 474 students.
-Report filed by Correspondent Tenzin Phende-

His Holiness the Dalai Lama presides over the inaugural ceremony of Drepung Loseling Meditation and Science Centre. Photo/Tenzin Phende/DIIR

His Holiness the Dalai Lama inaugurates the newly built Drepung Loseling Meditation and Science Centre. Photo/Tenzin Phende/DIIR

His Holiness the Dalai Lama inaugurates the newly built Drepung Loseling Meditation and Science Centre. Photo/Tenzin Phende/DIIR

Some of over 500 students and staff of the Meditation and Science Centre, Drepung Loseling Monastery. Photo/Tenzin Phende/DIIR