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Lhakar Event in Taiwan Highlights Significance of Tibetan Language

Lhakar Event being held in Taiwan. Photo/Office of Tibet. Taiwan

Taipei, Taiwan: “Tibetan language is more than just a medium of communication. The entire edifice of Tibetan civilization is built on the backbone of Tibetan language – without Tibetan language there will be no Tibetan civilization,” Representative Dawa Tsering said yesterday while delivering a lecture on the history and significance of Tibetan language and script.

“The preservation of Tibetan language is the only way to preserve the distinct and unique Tibetan religion and culture, particularly the Tibetan Buddhism based on the Nalanda tradition,” he further said, speaking at the monthly Lhakar Event organized here by the Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan.

Lhakar event being held in Taiwan. Photo/Office of Tibet, Taiwan

Also speaking at the event, Ms Liu Ying-chun, an assistant of Legislator You Mei Nu, gave a very engaging personal account of her experience about learning Tibetan language.

Ms Ying-chun, whose Tibetan name is Sherab Sangmo and has been learning Tibetan since 2009, introduced the audience about the common step-by-step method for learning Tibetan language and grammar.

Speaking to over 30 people from all walks of life attending the Lhakar event yesterday, Lin Hsinyi, of Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan, also highlighted the case of the imprisoned Tibetan language advocate Tashi Wangchuk.

In January 2016, Tashi Wangchuk was arrested and has been charged with “inciting separatism”. He was arrested after asking China’s authorities to ensure that the Tibetan language is taught throughout Tibet.

-Report filed by Office of Tibet, Taiwan-