Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.

Finance Kalon Inaugurates First Ever E-Summit at Hyderabad

HYDERABAD: Finance Kalon Karma Yeshi inaugurated the first ever Entrepreneurship Summit (E-Summit) organised by SUMVN and NucleusTech at Marri Laxman Reddy Institution of Technology (MLR), Hyderabad on 21st August 2017. During the inaugural speech, Kalon Karma Yeshi highlighted the importance…

Tibetan Solidarity Alliance Awareness Campaign in Ludhiana

Ludhiana: Tibetan Solidarity Alliance Program Officer Ms Tenzin Nyima conducted an official tour to Ludhiana from 13th August till 23rd August 2017 to create awareness about Tibetan Solidarity Alliance (Blue Book) and to gain maximum support from non-Tibetans or friends of…