Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.

His Holiness Teaches Jataka Tales on Chotrul Monlam

dalailama.com Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India, 12 March 2017 – The sky was a pristine blue as the peaks of the Dhauladhar range glinted in the rising sun this morning as people gathered in the yard of the Tsuglagkhang adjacent…

Tibetan Buddhism Most Repressed Religion in China – Freedom House

DHARAMSHALA: A disturbing new report from Freedom House shows how religious controls have intensified across China, under the current Chinese president, Xi Jinping. The report titled “The Battle for China’s Spirit: Religious Revival, Repression, and Resistance Under Xi Jinping” analysed…

Losar – Tibetan New Year Ceremony in Dharamshala

DHARAMSHALA: The Tibetan political leader Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay, Speaker of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, officials of the Central Tibetan Administration and monks of Namgyal Monastery gathered early in the morning at Tsuglagkhang on the first day of the…