Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.

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19th Birthday of HH the 11th Panchen Lama

Panchen Rinpoche We, the Chhode Tashi Lhunpo Cultural Society and Central Association for His Holiness the Panchen Lama on behalf of all the Tibetan people with great humility wish happiness and prosperity to 11th Panchen Lama His Holiness Tenzin Gendun…

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Update on Tibet Demonstrations, 24 April 2008

22 April 2008: Rebgong (Ch: Tongren) County, Malho “Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,” Qinghai province-Chinese authorities using contradictory tactics to spoil image of Tibetan people At Rongpo monastery, Rebkong County, Chinese armed forces barged into the chamber of the protective deity (a…

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Olympic relay ends with little interruption

CANBERRA, Australia: Thousands of pro-Chinese supporters swamped the route of the Olympic torch as it passed through Canberra. Busses full of Chinese students started arriving in Canberra in the early hours of the morning. Rainy Wang, a hospital management student…