Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.
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Sydney Harbour Bridge Light Display: Don’t Torch Tibet

The laser light display protested against a plan to carry the Olympic torch through Tibet. (AAP: Australia Tibet Council) Overnight, a laser light display was used to project the slogans “Don’t torch Tibet” and “One Dream: Peace in Tibet” onto…

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Tibet protest as torch lands in Australia

Thousands of pro-Tibet supporters have promised to hold a peaceful rally during Thursday’s torch relay in Canberra, but thousands of Chinese students were also expected to rally to support China. Media reports said the Chinese embassy had hired 20 buses…

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China urges Australians not to protest

China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu has warned Australians against disrupting the Olympic torch. She said people who protested against the torch relay did so because they did not understand the real situation in Tibet. ABC Online | Link

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Jakarta one day, Canberra the next

In Jakarta yesterday, the flame was again a magnet for dissent. Indonesian police dispersed about 100 anti-China protesters and detained a foreign activist before the torch’s truncated relay. Three of the sponsors of the Australian Olympic Committee, Speedo, Energy Australia…

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Riot at your peril, Rudd warns protesters

Kevin Rudd’s warning came as the cost of hosting Thursday’s event doubled to almost $2 million. “If any protesters, irrespective of their political point of view, engage in unruly, disorderly or violent behaviour, then the police will come down on…