Canberra: The Australian All-Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet (AAPGT) on Tuesday decided to convene a meeting next month in the Parliament House. The decision was taken during a meeting between AAPGT’S Co-Chair Hon. Susan Templeman MP, Federal Member for Macquarie and Representative Karma Singey of Office of Tibet. This will be the AAPGT’s first meeting after the Australian Federal election was held in June 2022. Representative Singey was accompanied by the Executive officer of the Australian Tibet Council (ATC) Dr. Zoe Bedford who visited the office of Hon. Susan Templeman MP to extend their congratulations to her on winning the Federal election. The Representative and Executive officer of the ATC also briefed Hon. Susan Templeman on the upcoming lobby day in Canberra which is to be held on 21 November 2022.
Prior to that day, Representative Singey visited the Tibetan Community in the Blue Mountains region of NSW, Australia where he was welcomed by Mr. Shel Gedun Tsering on behalf of the Tibetan community there.
Later that evening, the Representative addressed the Tibetan Community at the Kunsang Yeshe Retreat Centre, emphasising the importance of maintaining unity among the community and nurturing young Tibetans with a sense of Tibetan identity and cultural heritage. He highlighted the existential threat faced by the Tibetan Language inside Tibet and the need for Tibetans in the diaspora to strengthen the focus on teaching the Tibetan language to the younger generation.
He extended appreciation to the local City Council of Blue Mountain for raising the Tibetan flag outside the council chamber in Katoomba every year since 2019 on March 10, Tibetan Uprising day to show support for the Tibetan people.

Representative Karma Singey addressing the Tibetan Community members at kunsang Yeshe Retreat Center.

Representative Karma Singey with the Tibetans in Blue Mountains region, Australia.