Norwich, Connecticut: The President of Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) Dr Lobsang Sangay met with the Tibetan community of Norwich after his address at the Yale University. Also present at the event was Michael Passero, Mayor of New London, Kate Schramm, Director of Historical Society, Robert Farwell, Director of Otis and Bassem Gayed, Multicultural Services Coordinator of Otis.
During the interaction with the Tibetan community, Dr Sangay spoke of the increasing pressure from China making official visits to Europe nations, Canada and Australia more difficult. He also cautioned the Tibetan community of attempts by China to create discord in the Tibetan Community and in between CTA and the public. As such, President Sangay advised the Tibetan community to be vigilant and not be swayed by such maneuvers.
Dr Sangay also touched upon the importance of political awareness and involvement. And thereby the significance of voting based on information and correct intention rather than regional or personal affiliation.
He also shared with the audience his recent visits to Japan, which has the largest parliamentary Tibet support group and meetings with Tibet supporters in South Africa prior to the US visit.
Dr Sangay recently attended the Thank You US event where the House Majority Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Sam Brownback, the US Ambassador of Religious Freedom were amongst the dignitaries present.
- Translated from original Tibetan report by Communication Officers, Sikyong Office

Tibetan community in Connecticut at President Dr Lobsang Sangay’s talk.

Tibetans in Connecticut present traditional performances to welcome President Dr Sangay.

Traditional performance by a group of Tibetan youths.

Traditional performance by a group of Tibetan kids.