Frankfurt: On his first day of the five-day Germany visit, the President of the Central Tibetan Administration, Dr Lobsang Sangay took part in the Thank You Germany Event jointly organised by the Tibetan community and Tibet House on 11 May.
The Central Tibetan Administration earlier this year announced the observation of this year as a Thank You Year in commemoration of the onset of the 60th year of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s arrival in exile in India.
Dr Sangay shared how commemorating this year as Thank You Year was discussed two year ago. As this year is being commemorated as the Thank You Year, Dr Sangay expressed that the Tibetan community would like to thank the world for “supporting us, for being with us through the difficult journey nonetheless for the 60 years you have been with us,” he said.
Highlighting the tragic events that unfolded and strongly faced by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dr Sangay iterated that from having lost everything to building a community, reviving our culture and religion in exile, Tibetans have survived for 60 years, he added. Hence, he said, that this year is dedicated to all supporters and friends around the globe who contributed to the Tibet cause.
Uwe Becker, City Mayor, present at event expressed his solidarity with Tibet and the Tibetans. Also present at the event Michael Brand, Member of parliament Chairman of German Human Rights Committee, who expressed his concerns over Tibet’s rich heritage and also shared the special relationship that Hessian State shares with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who is scheduled to visit Hessian State this September.
Received with a Traditional welcome at the airport by the Tibetan community where Nadine Baumann from Tibet Initiative Duestschland (TID) and Kai Muller from ICT were also present, Dr Sangay met with the Norbert Kartmann, the President of the Hesse Parliament prior to the the Thank You Germany event.
Dr Sangay is scheduled to leave for Berlin today.
– Report filed by Tenzin Lhakmon, Communication Officer, Sikyong’s office –

CTA President Dr Lobsang Sangay being welcomed at the Thank You Germany event.

German Tibet supporters listening to CTA President Dr Lobsang Sangay at the Thank You Germany event.

CTA President at the Thank You Germany event.

CTA President presenting souvenirs at the Thank You Germany event.

CTA President Dr Lobsang Sangay being welcomed at the airport.