New Delhi: The Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) of Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) will on Monday launch a flagship trilingual report titled ‘Tibet Was Never A Part Of China But The Middle Way Approach Remains a Viable Solution.’ The report published in Tibetan, English and Chinese languages, will be unveiled by Prof. Anand Kumar and Dr. Lobsang Sangay, President, Central Tibetan Administration, at a launch event at India International Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi on Monday, October 29.
DIIR’s International Relations Secretary and CTA’s Spokesperson Sonam Norbu Dagpo said that “Regardless of how much the PRC attempts to cloud the world’s view of Tibet, as long as Tibetans and their supporters continue to publish and promote information that reveals the truth of what goes on in the region, the push for the rights of Tibetans will continue. This report marks the CTA’s current contribution to this effort.”
DIIR’s Information Secretary Dhardon Sharling explained the contents of the report: “The report is organized into nine chapters that cover self-immolations, human rights, cultural genocide, the history of Tibet’s status, the environment, urbanization, economic development, the reincarnation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and the Middle Way Policy. The chapters aim to be comprehensive but digestible. Given that each topic could be a book of its own—and in fact, there are many written on these subjects—the report serves as an overview of the most pressing issues in Tibet for those involved with or interested in the Tibetan cause.”
The launch will be followed by a plenary discussion on the topic ‘Changing Geopolitics: Why Tibet Remains the Core Issue in India-China Relations,’ featuring expert speakers Dr. Lobsang Sangay, President, Central Tibetan Administration, Dr. Sondhi, Director, M. L. Sondhi Institute for Asia Pacific Affairs, Dr. Yeshi Choedon, Associate Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Dr. Siddiq Wahid, Author and Senior Fellow, CPR India.
The plenary discussion will bring together a select group of scholars, experts, academicians, diplomats and journalists for a discussion covering various aspects of the India-China relations viz. territorial and border disputes, water feuds, environmental aspects, diplomatic relations, policy implications etc., and dwell into how and why Tibet forms the very core of India-China relations.
“Given the ever-changing India’s policy toward China, the issue of Tibet has been evolving over the last 60 years. The discussion will provide an opportunity to consider and explore crucial questions related to Tibet as one of core strategic and geopolitical interests in the larger spectra of India-China relations,” said Thinley Chukki, Associate Officer at UN and Human Rights Desk, DIIR.
The event will be live streamed on Tibet TV on Monday, October 29 at 14:30 hours (IST).