Minneapolis: Education Kalon Dr Pema Yangchen and Representative Ngodup Tsering inaugurated the ‘Workshop for Tibetan Language Teachers in North America’ in Minnesota.
In her address, Dr Pema Yangchen stressed that teachers should adopt creative ways to teach in this globalised world; that every child has the ability to learn, only speed of learning may vary; and that teachers should show the students by their own examples.
Representative Ngodup Tsering sensitised the teachers about the importance of preserving the Tibetan language. “Preservation of Tibetan culture is one of the two most important duties for Tibetan living in exile and the essence of Tibetan culture is Tibetan values which are dependent of Tibetan language,” he said.
The other two resource persons in the workshop beside the Kalon and the Representative are Tsering Samdup, Additional Secretary, Department of Education, CTA and Tenzin Chime Nuba, a retired Teacher in Los Angeles.
Forty-Six Tibetan language teachers from Thirteen Tibetan Associations in North America attended the Workshop organised by Office of Tibet, Washington DC with the support from Department of Education of Central Tibetan Administration and Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota.
The workshop will continue for three days from 20-22 July 2018
-Report filed by OoT, Washington DC-

Education Kalon speaking at the inauguration of a workshop for Tibetan language teachers in North America.

Representative Ngodup Tsering speaking at a workshop for Tibetan language teachers in North America.

Tsering Samdup, Additional Secretary giving a workshop to the participants.