Dharamshala: The Tibetan spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with a seven-member delegation of Assistants to European parliament at the Dharamshala airport, 21 May 2017, before departing for Bangalore.
The seven-member delegation included: Mr Francesco Giorgi, Assistant to Mr Pier Antonio PANZERI, MEP, Chair of the Human Rights Subcommittee and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee; Ms Dalila Bernard, Assistant to Mr Cristian Dan PREDA, MEP, Vice-Chair of Human Rights Subcommittee and Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee; Ms. Zsuzsana Ferenczy, Assistant to Mr László TŐKÉS, MEP, Vice-Chair of the Human Rights Subcommittee; Mr Flavien Deltort, Assistant to Mr Fabio Massimo CASTALDO, MEP, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee; Ms Harriet Clayton, Assistant to Mrs Molly SCOTT CATO, MEP; Ms Gyongyver Forro, Assistant to Mr Csaba SÓGOR, MEP; Ms Margareta Kovacova, Assistant to Mr József NAGY, MEP.
“It is a great honour today to meet His Holiness and we are grateful to be able to start our trip with such an encounter. Some of us have already had luck to meet him in the past. But every time we meet him, it’s a great source of inspiration. We are happy to take back the message of hope and peace that His Holiness inspires in us,” Ms Zsuzsana Ferenczy, Assistant to Mr László TŐKÉS, MEP told Tibet TV.
“We are really blessed to have met His Holiness right now because we are starting our mission in the best way. The European parliament have always supported the Tibetan cause and we are here not only to understand how it is to live the Tibetan condition in the diaspora but really to support to the Tibetan cause, hoping for a better future for all the Tibetans around the world,” Mr Francesco Giorgi, Assistant to Mr Pier Antonio PANZERI, MEP said.
The seven-member delegation will be in Dharamshala till 26 May.

Ms Rigzin Choedon Genkhang, EU Advocacy Officer, Bureau du Tibet greeting His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Dharamshala airport, 21 May 2017. Photo/DIIR/Phende

Members of the delegation greeting His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Dharamshala airport, 21 May 2017. Photo/DIIR/Phende