Dharamshala: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama has called on youth and women leaders to further strengthen their leadership in promoting peace in their communities.
Speaking at a two-day meeting with youth leaders of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) at his residential hall, His Holiness Dalai Lama expressed hope that we can herald a more peaceful world with synergised efforts.
He added that while men and women were all equal human beings, the latter have more potential to contribute to world peace through compassionate leadership.
“It is a such a sad situation in the world today; so much killing, violence and suffering. But if we remain demoralised, that’s not human way. It is common sense that the problems created by humans can be resolved with human effort and vision.”

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking at the two-day meeting with youth leaders of the United States Institute of Peace at the Meeting hall, His Holiness’ residence on 6 November 2017. Photo/Tashi Dhondup
Action-oriented initiatives and optimism are the only way to solve human-created problems, and to pave the path for a peaceful, compassionate century, he argued.
Stressing that inner peace is key to promoting peace at any extent, His Holiness said, “Trouble is not caused by weapons, it comes from one’s anger and destructive emotions…real disarmament can happen only when there is disarmament in mind and emotions.”
His message of compassion, humanity, forgiveness, tolerance and peace was delivered amid beaming smiles of 26 young representatives from conflict-torn countries from around the world. The participants discussed their peace initiatives and challenges, particularly threats to youth leaders posed by extremist religious groups
His Holiness expressed that his admiration for the young peace ambassadors and their determination to promote peace in their communities that are torn by everyday conflicts
The Tibetan leader said there is hope for humanity as compassion, not violence, is in the basic nature of human beings and encouraged youth to take charge and offer leadership in their communities to bring about positive change.