Sydney: Theatres across Australian cities yesterday premiered Jean Paul Martines’s produced film “Never forget Tibet”, an inspirational feature-length film depicting the story of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s escape from Chinese-occupied Tibet in 1959. The film which premiered across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide touches on the unique art and cultural heritage of Tibet and shines a light on the importance of love and compassion with the urgency that will connect with audiences globally. The film will be released in Perth, Western Australia, and other regions in the coming weeks.
Representative Karma Singey, Rev. Bill Crews, a long-time friend and supporter of Tibet, the Australia Tibet Council’s Executive officer Dr Zoe Bedford and General Secretary of Tibetan Community Australia, NSW Migmar Tsering were among the special guests invited at the premiere at the Ritz Cinema, Sydney.
Following the premiere, a virtual Q&A session was held with the Grammy-nominated Tibetan artist and musician Tenzin Choegyal and director and producer of the film Jean Paul Martinez, Dr. Alan Wallace, president and founder of Santa Barbara Institute for consciousness studies and the centre for comtemplative Research, Geshe Tenzin Zopa from Vajrayana Institute and Nadya Hutangalung, Eco activist and media personality.
As a gesture of goodwill to support the preservation of Tibetan culture, the film’s distributor company Kismet Movies, linked Tibet Culture Centre, a not-for-profit charitable organisation established under the office of Tibet, Canberra, with their cinema ticket so the audience can make a voluntary donation when they purchase a ticket.

Never Forget Tibet: the Dalai Lama’s untold story

At the premier of the film at Ritz Cinema, Sydney.