The tenth anniversary of Tibetan Youth Unity (Chigdril) Cup, the biggest sporting event in the Tibetan Community in Australia commenced on Friday 15 April at Sydney’s northern beaches Deewhy, home to the largest Tibetan community in the state of New South Wales.
The annual tournament is recognised as the premier sporting event for the young Tibetan people in Australia and a prime example of the unifying power of sport. It provides an opportunity for Tibetan young people to come together to play sports, build self-esteem and social networks and participate in Australian society.
Representative Karma Singey inaugurated the event. Dignitaries at the opening ceremony include Mayor of Northern Beaches Council Mr Michael Regan, Manager of the NSLHD Multiculture Health service Ms Cathy Butler, Manager of Northern Beaches Multiculture Council Ms Sandra Simendic and President of Tibetan Community New South Wales State Mr. Migmar Tsering.
Addressing the opening ceremony of the event, Representative karma Singey said, “ with the older generation of Tibetan gradually phasing out, the younger generation of the Tibetan community should gear up for future responsibilities.” He emphasised the importance of unity among the Tibetans and urged them to keep the Tibetan spirit strong and alive. He further expressed his gratitude to all the organisations and businesses who supported this event and extend his best wishes to all the participants.
Six football teams and fourteen basketball teams from New South Wales, Queensland, Canberra, Victoria and Newcastle are taking part in the event. A highlight of the event will be the selection of the players for the soccer team that will represent the Tibetan community of Australia at the prestigious Gyalyum Chemo Cup in India in 2023.
The first Unity Cup was held on 6th July 2009 in Australia’s capital city, Canberra on the occasion of His Holiness Dalai Lama’s 74th birthday.

Representative Karma Singey with Mayor of Northern beaches Council Mr. Micheal Regan and other Dignitaries.

Representative Karma Singey Welcoming the Mayor of Northern beaches Council Mr. Michael Regan with Tibetan Traditional scarf.

Unity Cup 2022.

Basketball tournament.