Washington D.C: Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay met with Representative Ron Wright, a new republican congressman from Texas on 13 September. “That’s not right,” said Congressman Wright when Sikyong explained how the Chinese government is trying to interfere with the reincarnation process. “I have always been a staunch supporter of religious freedom,” explained Congressman Wright and reaffirmed that he knows China is a threat to America as well and promised to support Tibet.

Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay and Representative Ngodup Tsering with Tom Cotton, republican senator.Dr. Sangay afterwards met with Senator Tom Cotton, a new rising star republican senator. Senator Cotton and his wife have met with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, so he was already familiar with the Tibet cause and Tibetan Buddhism; Senator Cotton stated that he is very grateful for those experiences. Dr. Sangay explained a variety of issues, one of which being the security threat posed by China with its persistent email hacks and fake social media posts.Sikyong explained how the new Tibet bill is not just a Tibet issue since religious freedom is an issue that is targeted by China on many fronts. Furthermore, Sikyong explained how American companies pay much more to produce technology while China harvests a large amount of minerals, such as lithium, from the Tibetan plateau.Senator Cotton said he will consider co-sponsoring the bill after reading it through himself.In the afternoon, Sikyong Sangay met with Senior officials from State Department and discussed various issues concerning Tibet and the world. Sikyong brought home the dire problems faced by Tibetans in Nepal with residency issue and in particular, the extradition of six Tibetans refugees, who were arrested and handed over to Chinese army just few days ago.In the evening, Sikyong held a public talk for the Tibetan community in the Virginia/DC area. It was very well attended. The talk was followed by a question and answer session.-Filed by Office of Tibet, Washington D.C

Sikyong having a close meeting with the Tibetan community in the Virginia/DC area.

Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay warmly greeted and welcomed by Tibetan children in traditional attire.

Members of Virginia and DC Tibetan Community welcoming Sikyong with traditional scarf.

Members of Virginia and DC Tibetan Community welcoming Sikyong with traditional scarf.