Canberra: To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Australian and New Zealand Alliance for Victims of the Chinese Communist Regime organised a rally on 10 December 2023 at Sydney Town Hall Square to condemn the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party.
Dawa Sangmo, the Chinese Liaison Officer of the Tibet Information Office in Canberra attended the rally. She spoke about the ongoing persecution of Tibetan national identity in Tibet under China’s policy of colonial boarding schools where millions of Tibetan children are now involuntarily sent to these boarding schools run by the CCP alienating them from their mother tongue. She also recounted the imprisonment of 10 innocent monks over exhibiting Tibetan translated《 Human Rights Declaration 》in 1988 and said that the situation of human rights in Tibet is worsening with each passing day and CCP is committing cultural genocide against Tibetan people.
Professor Feng Chongyi, a well-known scholar on China issues and associate professor at the University of Technology Sydney, said that the CCP is a criminal group. It has massacred more than 80 million innocent people and continues to abuse thousands of Chinese, Tibetans, Hong Kongers, Taiwanese and other minority people.
Mehmet Celepci, spokesman for the Australian Uyghur Association, said that since the CCP’s policy changes in Xinjiang in 2016, millions of Uyghurs have been sent to concentration camps, labour camps and re-education camps, and Uyghur compatriots have suffered physical and mental cruelty.
William Ho, a representative of Hong Kong People’s Exchange, told the rally his personal history from his father’s generation to his brutal persecution by the Chinese Communist Party.
More than a dozen representatives from different communities and organisations spoke at the rally, listing the numerous crimes the CCP has committed against the people since its establishment, and condemning the harm the CCP has brought to the world.

Interaction with the press.

Speaking at the rally.