WASHINGTON, DC: Former Tibetan political prisoner and prominent Tibetan filmmaker, Dhondup Wangchen met with Scott Busby, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Multilateral Organizations, and Amb Mike Kozak, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor at its headquarter on 12 February.
According to reports from Filming for Tibet, Dhondup Wangchen was invited by Scott Busby and Mike Kozak, who both serve as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor and for multilateral and global issues.
“There was a great interest for Dhondup Wangchen’s personal story and his view on the present situation in Tibet. Dhondup Wangchen assured them: Tibetans in Tibet have not given up their struggle for freedom,” the report said.
Wangchen had further meetings with Laura Stone, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific and State Department staff from different bureaus.

Dhondup Wangchen with Laura Stone, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific, along with Matteo Meccaci, International Campaign for Tibet, Jamyang Tsultrim and Dechen Pemba, Filming for Tibet. Photo/International Campaign for Tibet
He was accompanied by Matteo Meccaci, International Campaign for Tibet, Jamyang Tsultrim and Dechen Pemba, Filming for Tibet.
In its latest tweets, the International Campaign for Tibet said, “Dhondup Wangchen received a warm welcome at the State Department today. He had a productive meeting with Scott Busby, Dep. Ass. Sec. of State for Multilateral Organisations and Amb. Mike Kozak, Dep. Ass. Sec. of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor.
Dhondup Wangchen will testify before the US Congress at a Hearing organised by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China on 14 February. The Hearing will take place on Wednesday, February 14 from 10 am to 12 pm in 301 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington DC. Dhondup will also meet Congressional and Administration officials.
This is Dhondup Wangchen’s first visit to Washington, DC after his escape from Tibet.