Dharamsala: The participants of the first Tibetan Women’s Empowerment Conference were granted a special audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama this morning.
At an hour-long audience, His Holiness lauded Kashag’s efforts in bringing out a revised version of ‘Women’s Empowerment Policy’ and in organizing the conference to educate the public on the policy and solicit suggestions to ensure its effective implementation. His Holiness advised that the bottom-line is implementation, which can be achieved by both political will and a steadfast commitment of every individual who should exercise their agency.
His Holiness lamented on the global state of affairs where violence and strife are the norm and cited lack of compassionate upbringing and ethical mental disposition as causes for the perpetuation of violence.
His Holiness expressed his conviction in the possibility of a peaceful world with women holding the mantle of leadership. “It is scientifically proven that women are innately more sensitive, emotionally resilient, compassionate and altruistic and such leadership qualities will engender peace, security and stability in the world.”
His Holiness further commented that Tibetan women have the emotional and intellectual capacity to contribute to world peace through compassionate leadership, which can be furthered strengthened by harnessing the potential of teachings of our rich culture and religion.
“Time has come for Tibetan Women who have both the potential and the opportunity to express their leadership prowess to contribute to global peace and harmony,” said His Holiness.
After the audience, a brief ceremony was held at the Tibetan Medical Institute to mark the successful conclusion of the first ever Tibetan Women’s Empowerment Conference.
Chief guest of the closing ceremony, Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay, reiterated Kashag’s commitment towards making the Tibetan women equal partners in all aspects of Tibetan society.
Sikyong observed that women’s empowerment will become a reality only if there was a change in the attitude and habit of each individual including both women and men. “Across the world, more women are starting to break through in politics and leadership; young girls and women in our schools and society are making encouraging progress.”
Reiterating His Holiness’ leadership and advocacy to promote women’s role in global leadership, Sikyong hoped that more Tibetan women will be inspired to contribute in important ways to Tibetan schools, monasteries and nunneries, hospitals, administrative offices, Tibetan businesses and most importantly, contribute in the Tibetan political movement.
Kalon Karma Yeshi, Department of Finance, CTA delivered special remarks on the Conference deliberation, saying that the recommendations drawn upon the seven-point Women Empowerment Policy will be discussed for approval in the upcoming third session of the 16th Tibetan parliament in March 2017.
The three-day Tibetan Women’s Empowerment conference–an undertaking of Women’s Empowerment Desk of Department of Home–began on 21 February, with an inspiring participation of more than 340 women and men, from across the social and political spectrum. The conference featured four plenary sessions in which the participants along with drafting committee members of Women’s Empowerment Policy held active discussions on women’s role in Governance and Leadership, Mainstreaming Gender Perspectives into the Development Process, Achieving Social Empowerment of Women and Tackling Sexual and Gender Based Violence.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay, Kalon Sonam Topgyal Khorlatsang of Department of Home and members of the organising committee and speakers of the first ever Tibetan Women’s Empowerment Conference at His Holiness’ residence on 23 February 2017. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL