In support of His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his visit to Sydney. A ‘Peace and Compassion a concert for Tibet” will be staged on Sunday 15th June 2008 at 7pm, City Recital Hall, Angel Place.
The concert is a fusion of world, pop, and classical / contemporary music combined with colour and images in an extraordinary two hour synaesthetic experience. The audience will be taken on an uninterrupted spiritual journey, through the medium of music.
It is intended as a musical offering to bring peace and love into the world, specifically and tangibly through the subsequent actions of the listeners who experience the event.
There is only one concert that will be a unique and memorable experience for those lucky enough to be there on the night. There are limited seats available, so we encourage you to book your tickets to avoid disappointment.
For more information please visit www.freedom4tibet.org