His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s visit to Nubra valley in Jammu and Kashmir is the most trended story on social media this past week.
On 12 July, His Holiness and his entourage were warmly received at the Thoise airport by local Rinpoches, Local Muslim Communities, the local SDM, and MLA of Nubra Valley.
On the way to the Diskit monastery, local people including Muslim as well as Buddhist communities in their traditional dress with incenses, white scarves, and flowers in their hands welcomed His Holiness to Nubra Valley. Even school children in single file were eagerly waiting to catch a glimpse of Bodhisattva of Compassion. As Holiness arrived at the Diskit monastery, local people were rejoiced to see a rainbow halo around the sun.
On following day, His Holiness began teaching on ‘Eight Verses of Mind Training’ and ‘In Praise of Dependent Arising’ with estimated 5,600 devotees at the teaching ground at the Diskit Phodrang.
During the discourse on mind training, His Holiness said ‘we are all human beings irrespective of our differences in religion’. His Holiness justified his statement by elaborating that entire 7 billion human beings desire happiness and respite sufferings. His Holiness substantiated his point by further stating ‘it is the language which enables human beings to share our experience of compassion and love for other people’. To quote His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s statement: “I feel we should have a concern for all human beings since we all seek happiness.’’
Before going back to Diskit Monastery, His Holiness visited the newly established Diskit Jama Masjid and prays for sometimes. Some Muslim elders were awestruck at His Holiness who despite at his octogenarian age, is fully committed to bringing all religious traditions in harmony for peace in the world. Afterward his praying, His Holiness interacted with the group of the local Muslim community and thanked them for an invitation and told them that today the whole world is interdependent. Also, he reminded them to cultivate a sense of oneness for entire 7 billion human beings and work towards tackling climate change and global warming issue that affects the planet earth.
In the morning of 14 July, the abbot of Diskit Monastery, as well as the local people, assembled to see off His Holiness as he was moving to Samstangling Monastery in Sumar within the perimeters of Nubra Valley.
Today, His Holiness participated in the Yarcho Chenmo Opening. In the coming days, His Holiness will give teachings on Generating Bodhicitta in the Restricted Tradition and Tsongkhapa’s Three Principal Aspects of the Path on 16 July, and there will be a Long Life Empowerment and a Long Life Offering Ceremony on 17 July 2018 in Nubra Valley.
Following are the reactions of netizens to the events of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Nubra Valley in Jammu and Kashmir:
Below are photos of His Holiness greeting leaders of the local Muslim community and praying at newly established Jama Masjid with the local Muslim community at Diskit in Nubra Valley.

Instagram users numbering 36,791 hit the like button on the photo showing His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeting the local Muslim community at the Thoise airport in Nubra Valley, Jammu and Kashmir. Photo / @DalaiLama / Instagram

Instagram users numbering 40,387 hit the like on the photo of His Holiness the Dalai Lama praying at newly established Jama Masjid in Diskit, Nubra Valley. Photo / @DalaiLama / Instagram
Below are netizens comments on the live webcast of His Holiness the Dalai Lama participating in the Yarcho Chenmo Opening Ceremony:

Live webcast of His Holiness the Dalai Lama participating in the Yarcho Chenmo Opening Ceremony is seen by 17 k Facebook users and 1.5 k hit the like button, out which 416 shared the live post. Photo / @

A Facebook user @TseringTsomo writes: “So happy to see this event on Facebook. Long live His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Photo / @TseringTsomo / Facebook

A Facebook user @SanjokSubbaABpositive writes: “Wish if someone could please compile this discourse in English and send it across the benefit of all.” Photo / @SanjokSubbaABpositive / Facebook

A Facebook user @VinsoKhon writes: “I rarely see other religious preachers do this if other religious preachers can do and feel like His Holiness, the world would be much better.” Photo / @VinsokKhon / Facebook

A Facebook user @TaniaMorell writes: “Long life for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a man of great intelligence and knowledge, a transmitter of peace and love.” Photo / @TaniaMorell / Facebook

A Facebook user @JohnleoDevenecia writes: “A great teacher, he helps to reduce stress.” Photo / @JohnleoDevenecia / Facebook