Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.

Articles by Lhawang Gyalpo

Organising Committee Launches Official Website of 34th Kalachakra 2017

DHARAMSHALA: The Organising Committee of 34th Kalachakra Initiation has today launched official website of Kalachakra 2017 viz.,www.kalachakra2017.net or www.kalachakra2017.org. It aims to provide necessary information concerning 34th Kalachakra Initiation to be conferred by the His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama,…

Tibet Solidarity Rally Held in Geneva

GENEVA: Under joint coordination between Tibetan Communities in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, International Campaign for Tibet, The Tibet Bureau, World Uyghur Congress, Tibetan Youth Association Europe and Tibetan Women’s Association, ‘Tibet Solidarity Rally for Freedom of Religion and Human Rights’ was…

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Discusses Atlas of Emotions

dalailama.com Rochester, Minnesota, USA, 22 February 2016 Dr Eve Ekman visited His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Rochester today to report on progress that has been made on the Atlas of Emotions project begun by her father Paul Ekman. She…