Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.


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His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Thank You India Address

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Tibet is the snowy-land located beyond the Himalayan ranges to the north of India- the Land of Aryas. Buddha Shakyamuni blessed this land and prophesied the spread of the Buddhadharma there. Mount Kailash and Lake Manasrovar…

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H.H. the Dalai Lama Offers Prayer for Peace and Happiness

Delhi, India, 1 April 2009 – The following are photos taken during His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s visit to various religious sites in the Indian capital. He along with a group of representative Indians prayed with various members from other…

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China’s ‘Serf Emancipation Day’ Hides Repression in Tibet

Press Statement: China’s decision to observe tomorrow as the so-called Serf Emancipation Day is aggravating problems in Tibet. Tibetans consider this observance offensive and provocative. We believe the observance of the “Serf Emancipation Day” on 28 March is aimed at…