Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.


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Olympic undesirables expelled from Beijing

DECHAN Pemba, a 30-year-old British citizen living legally in Beijing for the past two years, found out this week how ruthlessly efficient China’s security crackdown ahead of the Olympics can be.   Ms Pemba, a Tibetan by ethnicity, stepped out…

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Update on Tibet Demonstrations, 10 July 2008

23 June 2008: Karze (Ch: Ganzi) County, Karze “TAP” (incorporated into a Chinese province of Sichuan) – A youth horribly beaten with metal baton and arrested for shouting slogans Ngodup Dorjee, a 25-year youth from Phuk-Yi-Nang-Tsek-Lek village in Lhopa township,…

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Chinese authorities in revenge attacks on Tibetan monks

Tourists are reportedly trickling back in to Tibet, four months after China effectively closed the area to foreigners. That followed violent protests in Lhasa in March and unrest in the ethnic Tibetan areas of the neighbouring provinces of Gansu, Sichuan…

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Update on Tibet Demonstrations, 4 July 2008

1 July 2008: Karze (Ch: Ganzi) County, Karze “TAP” (incorporated into a Chinese province of Sichuan) – Monks stopped Chinese forces from raiding Khangmar monastery Every year on 1 July, Khangmar (Gaeden Samdupling) monastery use to conduct its one of…