Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.


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Update on Tibet Demonstrations, 13 May 2008

13 May 2008: Karze (Ch: Ganzi) County, Karze “TAP”, Kham (incorporated into Chinese Province of Sichuan) – Nuns and monks protested at county headquarters Lobsang Choeden, Palden Tsultrim and Lobsang Tenpa (age 20), monks from Karze monastery, in Karze County,…

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Update on Tibet Demonstrations, 12 May 2008

7 May 2008: Ngapa (Ch: Aba) County, Ngapa “TAP”, Amdo (incorporated into Chinese province of Sichuan) – Thousands of PAP raided Labrang monastery and arrested 149 monks Few thousands of People’s Armed Police (PAP) arrived, without any notice, at the…

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Update on Tibet Demonstrations, 9 May 2008

16 April 2008: Chushul (Ch: Chushui) County, Lhasa municipality – Fifty monks arrested after PAP conducts raid at 4 am in the morning Around 4 am on 16 April, huge numbers of People’s Armed Police (PAP) surrounded Ratoe monastery, in…

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Update on Tibet Demonstrations, 8 May 2008

1-8 May 2008: Nagchu (Ch: Naqu) Prefecture, Kham (incorporated into “TAR”) – Authorities re-locate Stupas to create space for a park Eleven stupas (a Buddhist shrine or pagoda that houses a relic), which earlier stood behind the prayer hall of…