Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.


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Update on Tibet Demonstrations, 2 May 2008

28 April 2008: Darlag (Ch: Dari) County, Golog “TAP,” Qinghai Province -Tibetan man shot dead by Public Security official Following several subsequent peaceful protests in Darlag County since 21 March, the security forces and the armed forces have arrested countless…

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US Ambassador worried over Nepal’s harsh handling of Tibetans

Nancy Powell, the US ambassador to Nepal Friday, 2 May 2008, Dharamshala: The United States Ambassador Nancy Powell called on Prime Minister Koirala Thursday to express official concern about the treatment of Tibetans by Nepali authorities, besides discussing the current…

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Update on Tibet Demonstrations, 1 May 2008

1 May 2008: Toelung Dechen (Ch: Duilongdeqing) County, Lhasa Municipality Evidences being destroyed by the Chinese army The Chinese armed forces in their attempt to wipe out any kind of evidence related to the recent protests in Tibet are burning…

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Indonesia, March 31: NO HUMAN RIGHTS! NO OLYMPIC! Free Tibet were the demands of a group of Indonesian civil societies consisting of Global Human Rights Effort (GHURE), Human Rights Working Groups (HRWG), The Commission for disappearance and victim of violence…

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Support the Tibetan Community in Exile

Tibetan Solidarity Alliance Join the Tibetan Peace struggle by becoming a member of the Tibetan Solidarity Alliance. Let your Blue Book tell the world of your commitment to the peaceful struggle of the Tibetan people. Your Support will contribute to…