Mr Ngawang Phelgyal, the Chief Supreme Justice Commissioner of the Central Tibetan Administration, who was chief guest at today’s press conference, released the report.
In a press statement, Kalon Kesang Yangkyi Takla said, “The members of the worldwide Tibet Support Groups are all volunteers for the Tibetan people’s non-violent struggle. They voluntarily use their time, energy and resources to highlight the issue of Tibet in their respective regions.”
“The report will serve as a reference tool to the worldwide Tibet movement in its tireless efforts to bring the concerns of the Tibetan people to the International community,” Kalon Takla said.
“We hope that the action plan which came out of that conference will help alleviate the human rights situation in Tibet and to guide the worldwide Tibet support movement in the years to come,” she said. (Read International Tibet Support Groups Formulate Action Plan on Tibet)
Kalon Takla said the largest ever Chinese participation at the conference reflects their spirit of solidarity with empathy for the peaceful struggle of the Tibetan people and is a source of huge
encouragement for both the Tibetan people and the worldwide TSG movement.“The growing participation of our Chinese brothers and sisters in the non-violent movement of the Tibetan people eloquently refutes the Chinese government allegation that the worldwide Tibet movement is anti-China or anti-Chinese people,” she added.
Kalon Takla further said, “His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s guidance and words of encouragement at the conference remain the main wellspring of inspiration for the TSG movement.”
“The conference was inspired by the words of encouragement and support by Shri L K Advani, the chief guest, Shri Kanwal Sibal, a former foreign secretary of India and the chief guest on the closing ceremony of the conference and Major Vijay Singh Mankotia, a former cabinet minister of Himachal Pradesh. This display of Indian support for the Tibetan cause remains one strength of the worldwide Tibet movement,” she added.
The sixth TSG conference was held in the background of the widespread eruption of peaceful protests that engulfed Tibet in the spring and most part of summer of 2008. The Chinese government’s crackdown on these peaceful protests was brutal, provoking an unprecedented international outcry.
258 participants from 57 countries attended the Sixth TSG conference, which was convened and organised by the Core Group for Tibetan Cause, India and facilitated by the Department of Information and International Relations of the Central Tibetan Administration from 5 – 7 November 2010 at Surajkund, Haryana, near New Delhi.
The previous conferences of Tibet Support Groups have been held in Dharamsala in 1990, in Bonn in 1996, Berlin in 2000, Prague in 2003, and Brussels in 2007. A special Tibet Support Groups conference was also held in India in 2008.