Copenhagen: His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived here Friday afternoon and straight away proceeded in a motorcade, escorted by five Danish police motorcyclists, to first meet Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen and later Foreign Minister Per Stig Møller.
His Holiness thanked Prime Minister Rasmussen for meeting him on the first day of his visit to Denmark that is taking place primarily at the invitations to give teachings and a public talk on “Peace Through Inner Peace.”
His Holiness said that all his trips abroad are spiritual and educational in nature and that in this connection he tries to fulfil his two main commitments of promoting warm-heartedness as a member of the same human family and inter-religious harmony as a religious practitioner.
The prime minister said that he was pleased to meet with His Holiness and that although there are not many Buddhists in Denmark, many Danish people admire and have great respect for His Holiness.
He said Denmark supports human rights for the Tibetan people and said as His Holiness will later be meeting the Foreign Minister, they should discuss the situation in Tibet. His Holiness was accompanied at this meeting by his Secretary Mr. Tenzin Taklha and London-based Representative Mr. Tsering Tashi.
Later on His Holiness met the foreign minister of Denmark. The meeting focused mainly on the Tibet situation.
Tomorrow morning His Holiness will be meeting the press. In view of the number of requests that the Office of Tibet, London, has been receiving for one to one interviews and the inability to help with all the requests because of time constraints, the ‘Meeting with the Press’ opportunity has been arranged so that the maximum number of media representatives have the opportunity to meet and ask questions to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. As of going to the press, 74 journalists have registered to attend the meeting, thus showing the huge level of media interest in His Holiness’ visit to Denmark.
Upon arrival at the hotel, His Holiness was welcomed by representatives of the hotel management, Tibetans dressed in traditional dress and Danish supporters and well-wishers.
This is His Holiness’ eighth visit to Denmark. The first time His Holiness visited this Scandinavian nation was in 1973.
–Report filed by the Office of Tibet, London