Tibetan Information Office (TIO) is based in Canberra.


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Update on Tibet Demonstrations, 28 March 2008

Afternoon update for Friday, 28 March 2008, last updated 3pm (IST) Re: Tibet demonstrations 28 March 2008 Ngaba (Ch:Aba) County, Ngapa “Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,” Sichuan province – Over 100 monks from Kirti Monastery arrested today. Monk quarters in Kirti Monastery…

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EU urges China to address Concerns of Tibetans

Geneva – 28 March 2008: The European Union has urged the Chinese authorities to refrain from using force against Tibetan demonstrators and address the concerns of Tibetans in accordance with internationally recognised human rights, stressing importance to the right of…

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China approves Aust diplomat Tibet visit

A senior Australian diplomat will be allowed to visit Tibet tomorrow, as a part of a delegation granted access by the Chinese Government. Australia had requested diplomatic access to Tibet to assess the situation in the region, after a recent…

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Update on Death Toll from Tibet demonstrations

Update for Tuesday, 25 March 2008, last updated 3 pm (IST) While the most recent death toll from the demonstrations in Tibet is around 140, we are releasing the names and details of 40 identified people. Since the start of…

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Chinese Regime Implicated in Staging Violence

Evidence has emerged of the Chinese regime having staged violence in Lhasa in order to discredit the peaceful protests of Buddhist monks. According to the Dalai Lama’s Chinese translator, Ngawang Nyendra, a witness has reported that a Chinese policeman in…